2024 4th International Conference on Management Science and Software Engineering(ICMSSE 2024)

About ICMSSE 2024

2024 4th International Conference on Management Science and Software Engineering


In an era where the complex interplay between management science and software engineering is increasingly becoming the backbone of modern organizational agility, innovation, and competitive advantage, 2024 International Conference on Management Science and Software Engineering (ICMSSE2024) emerges as a paramount academic event. This conference aims to bridge the theoretical foundations and practical applications of both fields, fostering a rich exchange of knowledge among academics, researchers, and practitioners.


**Research Background**

Management science and software engineering, as two pivotal disciplines, have separately contributed to the landscapes of operational excellence and technological advancement. However, the intersection of these domains holds the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate, innovate, and respond to market dynamics. The integration of robust management theories with cutting-edge software engineering practices is critical in addressing contemporary challenges such as digital transformation, agile management, data analytics, and sustainable development.



The ICMSSE2024 is structured around several key themes that reflect the current trends and future directions in both fields. These include, but are not limited to:

- Agile methodologies and their implications for project management and organizational behavior.

- Data science and its role in strategic decision-making, risk management, and optimization.

- Software engineering practices that enhance operational efficiency, product innovation, and customer satisfaction.

- The impact of emerging technologies (AI, IoT, blockchain) on management strategies and business models.

- Sustainability and ethics in management practices and software development.



The primary objective of ICMSSE2024 is to provide a vibrant forum for academic and industry professionals to share their latest research findings, theoretical advances, and practical applications. This conference seeks to:

- Foster interdisciplinary collaboration between management science and software engineering communities.

- Highlight innovative methodologies, tools, and techniques that address current challenges and opportunities.

- Encourage the development of management strategies and software solutions that promote sustainability and ethical practices.

- Offer opportunities for networking, mentorship, and professional growth among attendees.

- Influence the future direction of research and practice at the nexus of management and technology.


By accomplishing these objectives, ICMSSE2024 aspires to contribute significantly to the advancement of both fields, propelling them towards a more integrated and impactful future.



2024 International Conference on Management Science and Software Engineering (ICMSSE2024) promises to be an intellectually stimulating event that will catalyze the fusion of innovative management theories with advanced software engineering practices. We invite scholars, practitioners, and students from around the globe to join us in exploring the boundless possibilities at the intersection of management science and software engineering, charting new paths for research and application that will shape the future of businesses and societies.


This introduction to ICMSSE2024 encapsulates the synergy between management science and software engineering, aiming to inspire collaboration, innovation, and progression within these intertwined fields.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline

Notification Date

Registration Date

Conference Dates

July 25, 2024

August 1, 2024

August 20, 2024

September 6-8, 2024

Welcome to Join ICMSSE 2024


As Author

If you would like to present your latest research at the conference and publish paper in ICMSSE 2024, you are welcome to submit your full paper.


As Reviewer

To ensure the fairness and guarantee the quality of ICMSSE 2024, We cordially invite experts and scholars join us as a reviewer.


As Listener

ICMSSE 2024 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform for you to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the field of the latest academic research. You are warmly welcome to attend this conference, even if you do not need to present a paper.


As Presenter

If you are only interested in giving a presentation at the conference without publishing your paper in the proceedings, you can choose to attend ICMSSE 2024 as a Presenter. As a presenter, you need to submit the Abstract your presentation. 






Call For Papers

Topics of interest include but are not limited to

· Track 1. Management Science

• ERP Systems

• The Role of IT in Management

• Decision Support Systems

• Marketing Engineering and Management

• Entrepreneurship and SME Management

• Optimization and Optimal Management

• Value Engineering Management Analysis

• Data Mining and Knowledge Management

• Social Security and Emergency Management

• Strategic Management and Cognitive Decision

• Co-ordination Act and Project Management

• Financial Engineering and Risk Management

• Calculation Management Methods and Practice

• Public Administration and Social Management

• Human Resources and Performance Management

• Quality Management and Reliability Engineering

• Research on Macro-Management and Policies

• Technology Management, Innovation and Evaluation

• Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

• Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management

• Systems Theories and Practice of Management Information

• Project Investment Management Theories and Applications

• Management Science Methodology and Basic Research Methods

• Crisis / Disaster Control of Social Systems and Major Engineering Systems

· Track 2. Software Engineering

• Methods and Techniques for Software Development

• Software Maintenance

• Requirements Engineering

• Object-Oriented Technologies

• Model-driven Architecture and Engineering

• Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering

• Software Reuse

• Software Management

• Model Engineering

• Software Architectures Design

• Frameworks and Design Patterns

• Architecture-Centered Development

• Component-based Design

• Middleware Components

• Software Quality

• Quality Management and Assurance

• Risk Analysis

• Program Analysis

• Verification and Validation

• Testing of Software Systems

• Software Project Management

• Software Evaluation


August 20, 2024


September 7, 2024

Thematic report + Invited presentation

September 8, 2024

Academic Investigation

Supported By


The Industry-Education Integration Community of National Blockchain Industry


Conference Secretary: Ms. Lai

Tel: +86-17675667587 (WeChat)

QQ: 548469726

* If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.